Thursday, November 10, 2005


Send your thoughts, prayers, reflections. I will post all of them or parts with a photo if included.
Keith, the pictures and stories brought me sadness and joy.
I don't think I'll ever forget my experiences in Mississippi. How can one be so sad with all the devastation, but have so much joy in my heart with all the new friendship I made in Mississippi.
Parthena Martin
I'm so glad that I got the opportunity to go and work with the most wonderful people in the world.
Trish Joseph

"When I first got here I was worried about what to say. You don't have to say anything you just listen."
Ryan Engeman

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The CAP Vest

Each and every morning I was proud to get up and put on the bright vest. Everywhere we went people recognized us and often thanked us for helping out. I know we all have thoughts and stories about wearing the vest. I would like this to be a sharing page. Send your stories and photos to I will add them here.
The Ocean Springs Greyhounds fans were glad to see us at the football games. At the second game I attended the Greyhounds were down by ten points. I was worn out and ready to get some sleep. As I was leaving, I lingered a while. A fan tapped me on the vest and said, "The reason we are losing is because there are not as many of you here tonight cheering and going wild for us."(a few had left earlier after cheering John on at halftime) I immediately moved right up, sat next to her in the stands and started to cheer. On the next play the Greyhounds scored. A couple of minutes later they went ahead. Alas,I couldn't keep up with the past groups and the Greyhounds came up one short 32-31. I surely do know the fans appreciated our support at the game and in the relief effort.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The First Group


Muchas Gracias!! Arturo :a very valued member of the Christian Appalachian Project team. It seemed like he was everywhere and always of service. One time a woman asked if we had any sweaters. I sadly told her we didn't keep clothing to give out. She said okay and drove up in the line. A few minutes later I looked over to see Arturo holding three very nice sweaters up to the woman for her approval. She was smiling and saying they were just what she wanted. Arturo was no where near when I had told her no. I asked him how he knew the woman needed sweaters. He pointed up to the heavens. He nodded his head and smiled. I could feel something powerful was going on here. A few times he asked me "Amigo, help help me lift this bag into the dumpster." I was proud to tell some others "I will back in a while, I"m on Arturo's crew right now." Trash all over the building seemed to dissapear with Aturo's help. He is truly a joy to work with.
I was told that Sherrie made sure Arturo had a place to stay by giving him our bright CAP vest and making him one of "Us" It seems Arturo was homeless and sleeping on a sidewalk after the storm. Being he was also considered homeless before the storm, the Red Cross would not allow him to stay in the shelter. We are all glad that Sherrie made a way for Arturo to stay in the shelter and allow him to help in so many ways. I know others have stories about this wonderful man and I will add any that you would like to send.

Volunteer Spotlights: MaryKay

There have been many fine volunteers in this effort and being I am in charge of this page I get to spotlight one of the very best because I am her proud husband. When Mary Kay first heard CAP was sending people to the hurricane area and spouses could go too, she without hesitation said. "I want to go down there." The initial information concerning the mission told us of difficult conditions with much uncertainty of where we would be staying, what we would be doing and who we would be traveling with. Mary Kay by nature likes to know what is going on and is known to ask some questions. I found myself coming back from meetings with very few definite answers. We were told to get shots and bring clothing we would not mind throwing away. The by words seemed to be "if you have to know, don't go." Well MaryKay went ahead anyway. As of today she has spent a total of three weeks on the Gulf Coast helping to" ease the burden." During this time she has spent two weeks in tents with temps ranging from a high of 100+ down to the high 30's. She has worked more than 12 hours a day and enjoys it. When I arrived to relieve her after the first two weeks all those who got to know her and work with her referred to me as "MaryKay's husband". Some started to call me by name later in the week. The best compliment I got was from Parthena who "Loves, MaryKay" She wrote "you are almost as nice as MaryKay"
The second photo includes MaryKay, Kathy and Jessica. They were tentmates for the week and stayed in the "Princess Tent". I reckon the teapot has something to do with it.One of them will have to write a story or give me more details to add.

Burden Easers Photo Gallery

In this gallery we are looking for smiles.
Jimbo gets the first spot with Mr Jackson and his gospel music singing niece.

Parthena, Barb and Trish enjoy making kids happy.

Joe Svoboda and new friend Bill.

Clean Outs Photo Gallery

It seems to be the custom to take a group photo near the end of the clean out. Sometimes called gut out, mud out...
I prefer cleanout. Send your photos to or Keith Gilbertson 101 cherry Road, Berea, Ky 40403. I will post 1 or 2 and return in SASE. Thanks . We like to see the owner join in when able. Here Mr Jackson used the "Great Persuader" to coax the screen out of the way so we could get stuff out to the street.

Jimbo again with Trish, Parthena and Keith.

Joe Svoboda with another hardworking crew.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Links to Other pages

Some of you have web pages or blogs. I will post the link here when you send it.
1. Mike Stephens posted some great photos and stories
2. Keith Gilbertson has stories @