Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The CAP Vest

Each and every morning I was proud to get up and put on the bright vest. Everywhere we went people recognized us and often thanked us for helping out. I know we all have thoughts and stories about wearing the vest. I would like this to be a sharing page. Send your stories and photos to kgilbertson27@yahoo.com I will add them here.
The Ocean Springs Greyhounds fans were glad to see us at the football games. At the second game I attended the Greyhounds were down by ten points. I was worn out and ready to get some sleep. As I was leaving, I lingered a while. A fan tapped me on the vest and said, "The reason we are losing is because there are not as many of you here tonight cheering and going wild for us."(a few had left earlier after cheering John on at halftime) I immediately moved right up, sat next to her in the stands and started to cheer. On the next play the Greyhounds scored. A couple of minutes later they went ahead. Alas,I couldn't keep up with the past groups and the Greyhounds came up one short 32-31. I surely do know the fans appreciated our support at the game and in the relief effort.